39: Game Plan: Choosing Your ACL Graft

We are very excited to introduce you to a brand-new type of episode called Game Plan!

We’ve been doing this podcast now for over 2 years and during that time we’ve had more and more of our patients listening to our episodes to learn more about their condition, what treatment options they have to choose from and what to expect from surgery. So, we decided to create some episodes specifically for our patient population, to hopefully answer some of the questions they have about the most common sports medicine conditions and surgical treatments. And what better topic to start with than ACL… specifically, the question we get asked all the time: What graft should I choose to reconstruct my ACL?

Please note that this episode is going to focus strictly on ACL reconstruction. For more information on ACL rehab check out our recent two-part episode with Candace Townley Cox back in April of this year. We’ve covered the addition of “LET” or “lateral extra-articular tenodesis” to ACL reconstruction in an Overtime episode in November of 2021 and again with Dr. Brian Waterman live at the AAOS meeting back in March of this year. We also have a mini episode coming out on ACL repair, rather than reconstruction, so stay tuned for that!


40: Not Your Average BEAR with Dr. Shawn Anthony, Live at AOSSM 2023


38. OVERTIME: SLAP Tear Management - Repair or Tenodesis?